Potato Stories

Monday, July 1, 2013

Malaysian Book Record

Assalamualaikum and haiii! :)

Today I'm going to talk about Malaysian Book Record.
I was involved in Malaysian Book Record on 30th of June 2013 (right after I finished my camp ---> Camp Story )
I should post this yesterday but I got tired and I had to postpone it.
So today I'm going to setori mori a little bit bout what happened during the day.

So, I went back home after the camp at about 1 PM
Then I eat and change my clothes.
At first I wanted to relax and stay back home but then I thought to myself that this is Malaysian Book Record and it is a rare event
So I forced myself to go (even though I'm really tired)
So I called my friend and tell her that I'm going.

She was involved in the camp too
She was the photographer for this so by hook or by crook, she had to come.

I was on time when I arrived at the place (Dataran --- something... I forgot)
And we started to fly the kites up up in the air.
It was exciting! :)
I seldomly fly kites
And this is a new thing for me.

So, now I'll be posting a couple of pictures. :)


They are handing the kites to us.

My kite c:

My kite. That was the last time I saw my kite. I learnt something here. Don't... DON'T... DON'T ever try to act like a professional kite flyer by holding the rope of the kite with only one hand (I was holding the camera with my other hand), I ended up losing my kite. My kite hit someone and it was never to be seen again :'( I'm sorry to anyone that got hit by my kite. It was unintended. 

I was here :)

Potato was here!!!

Alhamdulillah I was given the chance to join this event.
May Allah bless us all and Assalamualaikum!!!

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